Disputable 500 baht charge on recruits rejected after kickback

Disputable 500 baht charge on recruits rejected after kickback

Jun 13, 2024 - 19:17
 0  67
Disputable 500 baht charge on recruits rejected after kickback

In a recent directive, the controversial 500-baht fee for septic tank maintenance levied on soldiers was scrapped after widespread confusion and criticism. The decision follows revelations that military personnel who earn over 10,000 baht a month are left with only a few thousand baht after deductions.

Facebook page E-Sor Crushing News 3 yesterday released the expenditure details for new recruits in Batch 1/67 of a particular unit. The post stated that the servicemen received 7,830 baht for May 31 and 3,160 baht for June 12, for a total of 10,990 baht.

The post highlights the soldiers' frustration.

"Well done!!! The new recruits are saddened by their salary of less than 5,000 baht left after various deductions, including a 500 baht fee each for septic tank maintenance."

This sparked heated debate online, with many questioning the necessity and high costs of the fees.

The story takes a turn when E-Sor Crushing News 3 updates their followers.

"The troopers are delighted ... the unit has canceled the 500 baht sewage charge due to a misunderstanding."

The initial report attracted a lot of attention. Many online commenters expressed disbelief at the high cost of septic tank maintenance fees.

"Why should septic tank maintenance cost so much to one person?

This sentiment has echoed across social media platforms, fueling a growing demand for transparency and fairness in military spending.

After the uproar, The Army Corps of Engineers moved quickly to address the issue. The abolition of the fee was seen as a positive response to public outcry, and many hailed the decision as a step towards fairer treatment of service members.

Financial hardship in military personnel is a recurring problem. Most of the servicemen earned more than 10,000 baht a month, but after deductions, they found only a fraction of that amount. Deductions ranged from essential supplies to arbitrary fees, exacerbating their financial woes.

"We get our salary, but after deductions, we barely have enough left over to send home."

Cancellation of Fees.

Recent developments have brought relief and some justice to the servicemen. The decision to scrap the 500 baht fee is welcomed as a step towards greater accountability and fairness. However, the incident highlighted the need for continued scrutiny of military spending to ensure transparency and fairness.

The rapid abolition of the fee reflects social media and public opinion in bringing about change. Once the soldiers' plight was shared online, it quickly garnered widespread support and prompted an immediate response from their superiors.

In the wake of this controversy, there have also been calls for a wider review of military spending. KhaoSod reports that lawyers argue that a comprehensive review is needed to prevent similar problems in the future and to ensure that military personnel receive their full rights.

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