The Big Buddha Phuket: Secret Stories and Hidden Gems

Discover the hidden stories and secret gems of the Big Buddha in Phuket. Learn about its spiritual significance, hidden museum, blessing bells, and more. Explore this iconic landmark like never before.

Jun 28, 2024 - 14:38
Jun 28, 2024 - 14:39
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The Big Buddha Phuket: Secret Stories and Hidden Gems


The Big Buddha in Phuket is one of the island’s most iconic landmarks. Standing tall at 45 meters, this majestic statue attracts thousands of visitors each year. While many are familiar with its grandeur and spiritual significance, there are several secret stories and hidden gems that make the Big Buddha even more fascinating. Here’s everything you need to know.

The Origin of the Big Buddha

The Big Buddha, also known as Phra Puttamingmongkol Akenakkiri Buddha, was constructed in 2004. The statue was built to honor the late King Bhumibol and to promote peace and harmony in the world. Its creation was funded entirely by donations, reflecting the deep reverence and faith of the local community.

Secret Story: The Hidden Base

Many visitors are unaware that the base of the Big Buddha contains a museum. This hidden gem showcases the history of the statue, Buddhist teachings, and local cultural artifacts. It’s a quiet place for reflection and learning, often missed by tourists who only come to see the statue.

The Spiritual Significance

The Big Buddha is not just a tourist attraction; it’s a place of worship and meditation. Monks from nearby temples often come here to meditate and offer blessings. The serene atmosphere and panoramic views of Phuket make it an ideal spot for spiritual reflection.

Secret Story: The Bells of Blessing

Around the base of the Big Buddha, you’ll find rows of small bells. These bells, known as “blessing bells,” are inscribed with names and messages from devotees. It’s believed that ringing these bells brings good fortune and blessings. This tradition is deeply rooted in Thai culture and adds a mystical charm to the site.

Construction and Materials

The Big Buddha is made of reinforced concrete and covered with Burmese white jade marble. This marble not only gives the statue its stunning white appearance but also symbolizes purity and peace. The construction took over a decade, and the project continues to receive donations for maintenance and surrounding improvements.

Secret Story: The Marble Tiles

Visitors can contribute to the ongoing construction by purchasing marble tiles. These tiles can be inscribed with the donor’s name or a personal message. It’s a unique way to become a part of the Big Buddha’s legacy and leave a lasting mark on this sacred site.

The Viewpoints

The location of the Big Buddha on Nakkerd Hill offers breathtaking panoramic views of Phuket. From the top, you can see the Andaman Sea, Chalong Bay, and even the Phi Phi Islands on a clear day. The viewpoints are perfect for capturing stunning photographs and enjoying the natural beauty of the island.

Secret Story: The Hidden Trails

Surrounding the Big Buddha are several hidden trails leading to secluded viewpoints and meditation spots. These trails are less frequented by tourists, offering a peaceful escape and a closer connection to nature. Exploring these paths can lead to unexpected discoveries and serene moments away from the crowds.

Visiting Tips

To make the most of your visit to the Big Buddha, keep these tips in mind:

  • Dress Modestly: As a place of worship, it’s important to dress respectfully. Avoid wearing shorts and sleeveless tops.
  • Visit Early or Late: To avoid the heat and crowds, visit early in the morning or late in the afternoon.
  • Bring a Camera: The views are spectacular, so don’t forget your camera for some amazing shots.
  • Make a Donation: Support the maintenance and development of the site by making a small donation or purchasing a marble tile.


The Big Buddha in Phuket is more than just a statue; it’s a symbol of peace, spirituality, and community. By exploring its secret stories and hidden gems, you can gain a deeper appreciation for this magnificent landmark. Whether you’re seeking spiritual enlightenment or simply want to enjoy the stunning views, the Big Buddha is a must-visit destination on your Phuket itinerary.

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