The governor has issued a 24-hour flood warning to departments

The governor has issued a 24-hour flood warning to departments

Jun 28, 2024 - 15:00
 0  77
The governor has issued a 24-hour flood warning to departments

Phuket Governor Sophon Suwannarat has ordered district and local government departments to prepare for the rainy season and implement measures to assist and facilitate the people in case of flooding in their areas.

The emphasis is on round-the-clock flood management and ensuring the safety of residents and tourists, said an official report of the announcement.

With continuous rainfall affecting the region due to the rainy season, the Phuket Provincial Office of the Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation (DDPM-Phuket) has instructed all relevant units to closely monitor weather conditions, said the report.

Local disaster prevention offices and administrative organisations have been directed to ready their equipment, personnel, and machinery for immediate use 24/7. Continuous monitoring of water levels is crucial to effectively manage potential flooding and minimize the impact on the public and tourists.

In addition, authorities are urged to raise awareness among residents and tourists about the impending risks of natural disasters, including floods, strong winds and stagnant water.

Coastal areas have been instructed to deploy officers to monitor and protect people and tourists, strictly prohibiting sea activities during rough weather conditions. The directive also extends to fishing and tour boats, which are advised to avoid sailing during thunderstorm warnings.

Should any public disasters occur, immediate assistance must be provided to those affected, adhering strictly to all relevant laws and regulations. The coordinated efforts aim to ensure maximum safety and reduce the adverse effects of the rainy season on the community, the report concluded.

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