Police seized 47,000 drug tablets throughout Phuket

Police seized 47,000 drug tablets throughout Phuket

Jun 8, 2024 - 18:14
 0  41
Police seized 47,000 drug tablets throughout Phuket

Phuket Provincial Police have busted a major drug network operating across Phuket, arresting four suspects and seizing more than 37,000 methamphetamines.

Police announced the arrests at a press conference yesterday (June 6), as follows:

Krit 'Pan' (family name withheld by police) was arrested after he was found in possession of 37,400 ya bah pills and 659 grammes of crystal meth (ya ice). He has bee charged with illegal possession of a Category 1 narcotic with intent to sell.

Apidej 'Jay' (family name withheld by police) was arrested after he was found with 2,004 ya bah pills and 309.53g of ya ice. He faces charges of illegal possession of a Category 1 narcotic for sale, aimed at commercial distribution.

Miss Somporn 'Joy Choi' (family name withheld by police) was arrested after she was found with 1,275 ya bah pills and 2.03g of ya ice. She has been charged with selling a Category 1 narcotic with intent for commercial distribution.

Sathaporn 'Boy' (family name withheld by police) was arrested after he was found in possession of 600 ya bah pills and 3.79g of ya ice. He is also accused of selling a Category 1 narcotic, intended for commercial trade.

The arrests were the result of an operation by officers from the Phuket Provincial Police Investigation Division, working with Thalang Police and Patong Police, police explained yesterday.

The raids netted in total 41,279 ya bah pills and 97g of ya ice, with an estimated street value exceeding B3 million, police said.

Further investigations are underway to identify and apprehend additional network members and seize related assets as per the law.

In the period from June 1-7, Phuket Provincial Police conducted extensive operations leading to the arrest of 36 individuals involved in drug activities. The efforts throughout the week resulted in the confiscation of 45,778 ya bah pills, 1,024.73g of ya ice and 0.1g of heroin, police noted.

Police will continue their efforts in cracking down on drug-related crimes, police noted in announcing the arrests.

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