Nearly 30% of Thailand’s beggars are foreigners

Thailand's bustling streets are crowded with beggars, and recent data show an alarming trend: roughly 30% of them are foreigners. Varawut Silpa-archa, Minister of Social

Jun 12, 2024 - 09:54
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Nearly 30% of Thailand’s beggars are foreigners

Nearly 30% of Thailand’s beggars are foreigners

Thailand's bustling streets are crowded with beggars, and recent data show an alarming trend: roughly 30% of them are foreigners. Varawut Silpa-archa, Minister of Social Development and Human Security, made the announcement today, June 11, in response to a wave of social media concerns over the increased presence of beggars, particularly outside Bangkok's main shopping malls.

According to Varawut, nearly 8,000 beggars were arrested between 2014 and 2024. He observed that these beggars frequently use innovative and emotional methods to request money, such as begging with small children or pets. "Beggars found with unrelated children will face criminal charges."

The ministry, in collaboration with the police and the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA), conducts street checks at least five times a month to combat the issue. Foreign beggars are deported, while Thai beggars are sent to reception homes for career training. Repeat offenders, regardless of nationality, will face charges.

Varawut acknowledged the challenge of eradicating begging entirely due to the meagre fines compared to the lucrative earnings from begging.

“Some beggars can earn up to 100,000 baht per month in tourist hotspots during peak season.”

The minister urged the public to stop giving money to beggars as a long-term solution, emphasising that ministry officials are available around the clock to handle complaints.

“It’s difficult to remove all beggars because the fines are minimal compared to their earnings.”

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