Top 10 Richest Persons in the World 2024

Top 10 Richest Persons in the World 2024

Jun 11, 2024 - 00:23
Jun 11, 2024 - 00:25
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Top 10 Richest Persons in the World 2024

The world of wealth is ever-changing, with fortunes made and lost in various industries. As of 2024, the list of the top 10 richest people reflects significant shifts in technology, investment, and entrepreneurship. Here is a detailed look at the wealthiest individuals globally, highlighting their net worth, sources of wealth, and key achievements.

1. Elon Musk

Net Worth: $250 Billion

Source of Wealth: Tesla, SpaceX, Neuralink

Elon Musk continues to dominate the wealth rankings, primarily due to his stakes in Tesla and SpaceX. His ambitious ventures in electric vehicles, space exploration, and neural technology keep him at the forefront of innovation and wealth accumulation.

2. Bernard Arnault & Family

Net Worth: $230 Billion

Source of Wealth: LVMH

The luxury goods magnate Bernard Arnault, chairman and CEO of LVMH, oversees an empire of prestigious brands, including Louis Vuitton, Moët & Chandon, and Hennessy. His family's control over the world's largest luxury goods company cements their position among the wealthiest.

3. Jeff Bezos

Net Worth: $210 Billion

Source of Wealth: Amazon

Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, remains a towering figure in the world of e-commerce and cloud computing. Although he stepped down as CEO, his significant shareholding in Amazon and ventures like Blue Origin keep his wealth growing.

4. Bill Gates

Net Worth: $150 Billion

Source of Wealth: Microsoft, Investments

Co-founder of Microsoft, Bill Gates continues to be a major player in the tech industry. His diversified portfolio of investments and philanthropic efforts through the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation also contribute to his substantial net worth.

5. Larry Ellison

Net Worth: $135 Billion

Source of Wealth: Oracle

Larry Ellison, co-founder, and chairman of Oracle, has amassed immense wealth through his software giant. His investments in real estate, Tesla, and other ventures further bolster his financial standing.

6. Warren Buffett

Net Worth: $120 Billion

Source of Wealth: Berkshire Hathaway

Known as the "Oracle of Omaha," Warren Buffett’s investment acumen through Berkshire Hathaway has made him a staple on the rich list. His long-term investment strategy and diversified holdings ensure steady wealth accumulation.

7. Mark Zuckerberg

Net Worth: $115 Billion

Source of Wealth: Meta (formerly Facebook)

Mark Zuckerberg, the co-founder and CEO of Meta, continues to expand his influence in the digital world. Despite challenges, his significant stake in Meta and ventures in virtual reality and social media keep his net worth high.

8. Mukesh Ambani

Net Worth: $110 Billion

Source of Wealth: Reliance Industries

Mukesh Ambani, chairman and largest shareholder of Reliance Industries, dominates the energy, petrochemicals, textiles, and telecommunications sectors in India. His strategic expansions and innovations keep him among the world's richest.

9. Sergey Brin

Net Worth: $105 Billion

Source of Wealth: Google

Co-founder of Google, Sergey Brin, has built his fortune through the success of the search giant and its parent company, Alphabet. His involvement in various tech innovations continues to drive his wealth.

10. Larry Page

Net Worth: $105 Billion

Source of Wealth: Google

Larry Page, alongside Sergey Brin, co-founded Google. His investments in cutting-edge technology and continued influence in Alphabet's operations ensure his place among the top billionaires.


The wealthiest individuals in 2024 reflect a diverse range of industries and innovations. From technology and e-commerce to luxury goods and investments, these billionaires showcase the dynamic nature of wealth creation in the modern era. Staying updated on their ventures provides insights into the evolving landscape of global wealth.

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