MOVE FORWARD PARTY BRACES FOR COURT CASE THAT COULD DISSOLVE ITThe former leader of Thailand's progressive opposition Move Forward party promised on Sunday to continue fighting as the party confronts

The former leader of Thailand's progressive opposition Move Forward party promised on Sunday to continue fighting as the party confronts

Jun 9, 2024 - 14:18
 0  49
MOVE FORWARD PARTY BRACES FOR COURT CASE THAT COULD DISSOLVE ITThe former leader of Thailand's progressive opposition Move Forward party promised on Sunday to continue fighting as the party confronts


BANGKOK (AP) The former leader of Thailand's progressive opposition Move Forward party promised on Sunday to continue fighting as the party confronts a court lawsuit that may lead to its dissolution. The Constitutional Court will rule on whether the party violated the constitution by attempting to change a statute that prohibits defaming the country's royal family. The petition called for the party's dissolution and a 10-year ban on political engagement by its executives. The court has not stated when it will rule in this case.

Pita Limjaroenrat, the former leader of Move Forward, laid out the details of the party’s legal defenses that have been submitted to the court at a news conference on Sunday.

“If there is a rule of law in Thailand, I’m extremely confident” the party’s arguments will prevail, he said.

Pita said the Constitutional Court does not have jurisdiction to rule on this case and that the petition filed by the Election Commission did not follow due process because Move Forward was not given an opportunity to defend itself before the case was submitted to the court.

The petition was filed after the same court ruled in January that the party must stop advocating changes to the law, known as Article 112 in Thailand’s criminal codes, which protects the monarchy from criticism by imposing penalties of three to 15 years in jail per offense.

That ruling did not set any punishment for the party.

Move Forward shook up Thai politics by winning the most seats in the general election last year but was blocked from taking power and has since been fighting several legal battles to keep its positions in Parliament. These legal cases are seen as part of a yearslong attack against the country’s progressive movement by conservative forces trying to keep their grip on power.

Move Forward’s predecessor, the Future Forward party, was dissolved by the Constitutional Court in 2020 for violating election laws on donations to political parties.

Move Forward has insisted that it wants to keep the monarchy above politics and not be exploited as a political tool.


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