Harry Kane Hits Back at Gary Lineker's Criticism, Urges Constructive Feedback for England Team

In response to Gary Lineker's criticism, Harry Kane calls for more constructive feedback from pundits to better support the England football team, especially for younger and newer players. Kane highlights the importance of remembering the challenges of playing for England and encourages a more supportive approach.

Jun 24, 2024 - 12:08
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Harry Kane Hits Back at Gary Lineker's Criticism, Urges Constructive Feedback for England Team
Harry Kane Hits Back at Gary Lineker's Criticism, Urges Constructive Feedback for England Team

England captain Harry Kane has responded sharply to Gary Lineker's recent criticism, reminding the former England striker that he too failed to win any major titles with the national team. Kane described the current team's performances as "subpar" and emphasized the importance of constructive criticism from pundits.

Kane expressed his concern over the impact of harsh critiques, particularly on younger and less experienced players. He urged Lineker and other former players-turned-pundits, like Alan Shearer, to consider the potential negative effects of their comments. Following England's 1-1 draw with Denmark, both Lineker and Shearer were vocal in their dissatisfaction, which Kane believes could have been delivered more responsibly.

"What ex-players or ex-players who are pundits now have got to realize is that it's very hard not to listen to their criticism, especially for newer players who are not used to it," Kane said. "They [pundits] have a responsibility. They need to be honest and give their opinion but also remember that many players look up to them. People do listen and care about what they say."

Kane highlighted the shared struggle of winning major tournaments, noting that Lineker, who was part of the England squad that reached the semi-finals of the 1990 World Cup, should understand the difficulties. Kane himself was part of the team that reached the semi-finals in the 2018 World Cup and played in the final of Euro 2020.

"The bottom line is we haven’t won anything as a nation for a long, long time, and many of these pundits were part of that. They know how tough it is," Kane added. "It's not about criticizing anyone; it's just the reality. They know how tough it is to play in major tournaments and for England. I would never disrespect any ex-player."

Kane urged pundits to remember the weight their words carry. "Remember what it is like to wear the shirt and that their words are listened to. Some of the lads, I don’t know how many, but we do hear it. We all want to win a major tournament, and I’m sure they want us to win too. Being as helpful as they can and building the lads up with confidence would be a much better way of going about it."

In calling for a more supportive approach from former players, Kane highlights the need for balanced feedback that motivates rather than demoralizes the current England squad.

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