Buriram girl suffers repeated rape, family demands justice

11-year-old girl was allegedly raped twice by a 52-year-old neighbour in Buriram, causing significant grief for her

Jun 9, 2024 - 16:38
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Buriram girl suffers repeated rape, family demands justice

Buriram girl suffers repeated rape, family demands justice

An 11-year-old girl was allegedly raped twice by a 52-year-old neighbour in Buriram, causing significant grief for her and her family. Despite reporting the event to authorities, the case has made little progress, prompting frustration and dread for the young victim. Nui, the 47-year-old mother, claimed that on March 12, her daughter complained of genital soreness. She initially dismissed the complaint, but eventually realized the gravity of the issue.

During a village event on April 19, a neighbour’s wife witnessed her husband attempting to rape Nui’s daughter behind their house. This revelation prompted the girl to confess that the neighbour had raped her on March 11 and 12, threatening to kill her if she told anyone.

The neighbour’s wife reportedly yelled, “How could you do this?”

Nui immediately reported the incident to the Nong Ki Police Station, where the police advised a medical examination. The doctor confirmed signs of sexual assault but found no semen traces since the recent assault attempt was interrupted.

Following the report, the neighbour’s relatives attempted to settle the matter privately. They initially offered 10,000 baht (US$270), then increased it to 50,000 baht (US$1,360), assuming Nui’s family would accept due to their financial situation. Nui refused all offers, insisting on legal action.

“They think we are poor and will accept money instead of justice.”

Repeated rape

On June 8, Nui and her daughter travelled 30 kilometres to the police station for a scheduled interview, only to be told by the officer that he was off-duty and they would need to return another time. Feeling targeted and frustrated, Nui shared her experience of previously hiring transportation to meet the police, costing 600 baht (US$16) each time, and this time managing the journey alone on her motorcycle.

“It feels like they are intentionally obstructing us by saying they are off-duty when we arrive as scheduled.”

The extended ordeal has had a significant impact on Nui's daughter. She is being ridiculed at school, with peers mocking her for the assault. Fearful of the neighbor's car, the girl frequently has to sleep at relatives' residences in different villages to feel safe, according to KhaoSod. 

"She is afraid whenever she hears his automobile. We need to take her to stay with relatives in different villages to calm her fears." Nui is now seeking for justice and action from the appropriate authorities to help her impoverished family. The lack of movement in the case, along with her daughter's enduring anguish, has left her yearning for relief.

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