An unidentified man with a knife and ran away who attacked Burmese people working in Phuket

An unidentified man with a knife and ran away who attacked Burmese people working in Phuket

Jun 14, 2024 - 20:56
 0  16
An unidentified man with a knife and ran away who attacked Burmese people working in Phuket

Phuket last night Two unidentified knife-wielding Myanmar nationals were killed in a collision with a food delivery driver in Srisoonthorn. The incident took place at a three-way intersection outside the Phuket District Prison at 4:00 p.m. and 9:15 p.m.

When rescuers from Thanlan Township Police and Srisoonthorn District arrived at the scene, they found two motorcycles on the road.

Jirasak Jitphatphirom, 41, Lineman Food Delivery Driver, Near Junction. About 20 meters away, two Myanmar nationals were found, one of whom was 23-year-old Chuthako, in front and behind. His right arm was severely cut. Another person, whose name has not been confirmed, was injured on his right index finger.

The two were given first aid before being taken to Talat Hospital for treatment.

Jirasak recounted the events to police and explained that he checked the intersection before making a right turn. At that time, the two Burmese nationals, who were running away from the hostages, ran to a corner at high speed.

Phuket News reported that police are examining nearby CCTV footage for their investigation and identification of the attacker.

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