Roy Keane Hilariously Hides from German Fans Seeking Selfies at Berlin Mall with Ian Wright

Manchester United legend Roy Keane hilariously hides from selfie hunters at a Berlin mall during a Euros trip with Ian Wright. Discover the amusing moment caught on TikTok and Keane's fierce critique of Scotland's performance against Germany

Jun 15, 2024 - 11:56
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Roy Keane Hilariously Hides from German Fans Seeking Selfies at Berlin Mall with Ian Wright
Roy Keane Hilariously Hides from German Fans Seeking Selfies at Berlin Mall with Ian Wright

Manchester United legend Roy Keane provided a comedic moment as he hilariously hid from selfie-hunters during a visit to a mall in Germany. Keane, along with fellow ITV pundits Ian Wright and Graeme Souness, was in Germany to cover the Euros, which kicked off on Friday night.

The 52-year-old was on punditry duty alongside Ian Wright and Graeme Souness as Germany triumphed over Scotland with a 5-1 victory at the Allianz Arena. Before the match, Keane and Wright took some time for sightseeing in Berlin, where the amusing incident occurred.

Ian Wright captured the moment on TikTok, showing the usually stern Keane playfully hiding from an eager fan. Known for his no-nonsense demeanor, Keane displayed a rare moment of levity as he concealed himself behind a column, much to Wright's amusement.

Despite his reputation for being cold and intimidating, Keane seemed to enjoy the light-hearted moment. Wright’s video, which quickly gained popularity, shows Keane backtracking and hiding while Wright struggles to contain his laughter.

However, Keane soon returned to his usual critical self, especially when discussing Scotland's performance against Germany. After the match, he harshly criticized the Scottish players for "letting down supporters" following their heavy defeat.

Speaking to ITV Sport, Keane did not hold back in his critique. "Andy Robertson spoke at the end of the game and said they had a game plan. It's all well and good having a plan," he remarked. "He said they weren't aggressive enough. You have to be aggressive in a game of football. When you're up against opposition who are much stronger than you, being aggressive is part of being a footballer."

Keane continued, "My goodness, when you're playing at this level, you've got to hit people. Hit them properly, hit them aggressively, do it in the right way. If you step off them like Scotland did tonight... It's no good talking after the game saying we had a game plan. It's rubbish! Andy Robertson... it's all just rubbish coming out."

His comments were a stark contrast to the playful demeanor he displayed earlier in the day. Keane emphasized the importance of aggression and commitment in football, expressing his disappointment with Scotland's performance and their post-match reactions.

"You knew before the game what was at stake, and after the game, it's no good saying 'we'll regroup and be angry tomorrow.' You should be angry for a long time. They spoke before the game about creating history - they're creating history by playing as bad as that and letting their manager and supporters down," Keane concluded.

This incident highlighted the two sides of Roy Keane – the fun-loving individual capable of a good laugh and the fierce critic who demands the highest standards in football.

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