In a bold and structured quest for love, Sayamon Unkam, a Sisaket native affectionately known as Alice, has taken the internet by storm. Her viral Facebook Live session, where she laid down eight specific, non-negotiable criteria for her ideal partner, has captivated netizens. While the social media buzz intensifies, Alice remains firm in her search for someone who meets her well-defined standards, learned through the hard lessons of heartbreak.

Alice’s Strict Criteria for Finding Mr. Right

1. Family Compatibility and Shared Lifestyles

For Alice, love is not just about two individuals, but about families that align. She places a strong emphasis on family dynamics and shared values in everyday living.

2. Passion for Reading and Introverted Charm

Alice seeks a partner who enjoys the quiet pleasure of reading and embraces a more introverted lifestyle, valuing introspection and calmness over constant excitement.

3. Simple Living and Fiscal Responsibility

Simplicity and financial wisdom are key. Alice isn’t looking for lavish spenders but someone who lives modestly and makes responsible financial choices.

4. Romantic and Emotionally Mature

She desires a partner who is romantic but balanced with emotional maturity—someone who remains calm, gentle, clean, and grounded even in challenging situations.

5. Age Range and Flexibility

Alice’s ideal match falls between the ages of 35 and 50, but she remains flexible. “Meeting four or six key criteria is fine,” she reassured her audience, signaling that a perfect match may not tick every box.

6. Divorcees Welcome, but Only if Legally Single

For men who have been through divorce, Alice is open to connecting—so long as they are legally unattached, ensuring no unresolved relationships linger in the background.

A Focus on Substance Over Materialism

No Salary Demands, Only Genuine Connection

Unlike many who might prioritize material wealth, Alice isn’t focused on her suitor’s income. Instead, she emphasizes the importance of a connection that nurtures both her and her family. For Alice, the relationship must go deeper than simply providing luxury or financial gain.

Keeping Standards High with Age

As Alice matures, so do her expectations. Rather than lowering her standards as she grows older, she believes in sharpening them. She encourages others to avoid settling for fleeting romances and to pursue long-lasting partnerships built on shared values and mutual respect.

Alice’s Take on Love and Relationships

Shared Values Over Fleeting Romance

Alice is clear: love may fade, but shared values can sustain a relationship through life’s ups and downs. She emphasizes that a lasting connection depends on deeper qualities that withstand the test of time.

Realizing Happiness Without Settling

According to Alice, real happiness doesn’t come from simply being in a relationship. It’s crucial to design your own joy and maintain high standards. She advises against the illusion that a partner will fix everything, reinforcing the idea that true fulfillment comes from within.

Are You the One? Alice’s Search Continues

Eligible men are invited to step forward, but only those who are ready to prove they meet Alice’s thoughtful and sincere standards. Her Facebook page remains open for contenders, sparking curiosity and excitement among her followers. Alice’s search for a genuine connection, built on mutual respect and understanding, is ongoing—but only for those who can make the grade.

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